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5 August 1915

Still more troops landed & equipment & space is pretty limited now & water is none too plentiful. A heavy engagement was going on all day at the Cape & our arty has been pretty continuous here all day, preparations are going ahead rapidly for the dust up tomorrow night troops are to carry nothing but ammunition & huge white patches are shown on the backs of the tunics & on both arms. The Tommys carry a metal disc this is to enable our artillery to pick out our troops & fire accordingly everything points to a big affair this time & is anxiously awaited for by everyone ; expect to be out of hospital tomorrow. Mick sent away with sciatica, Hobbs called & so did Fred & gave me all the news. The Monitors have been keeping the reserves of the enemy busy with their accurate shooting & the road itself is ruined

6 August 1915
Friday AM 1.18

The Turks had a go at those two trenches we took off them a few days ago they put up a good fight but got the worst of it. Left the hospital at 9 this morning. Aeroplane reports that 3 Turkish camps are behind Hill 60 probably in all 5 Regts 12,000 to 15000 men, new men man the 3rd Section. The Ausn Divn attacks at 5 pm & then the German trench we are to support it with all possible aid then at 8 our posts join in & go for en on the left they carry on an advance of their own. Our howitzers have been carving their trenches about all day the bombardment proper starts at 1700 aided by the navy destroyers have been patrolling all day & a few big ships are now present here. Turks shelled Canty this morning & with one shell they got 2 killed & 14 wounded. Tauber drops more bombs & arrows but only two men were hit. Three planes have been reconnitering all day.

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