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fixed up blankets, rations for 24 hours etc. Took off in Hospital charge for Suez – 26 Isolated cases – 24 Mumps & 4 Cot Cases – My Party moved off with the 14th 2nd Light Horse – to whom we are attached with Lt Trickett in charge – Left Suez at 12.30 – unknown destination – The troop train consisted mostly of 3rs Class Carriages – Our Party were allocated half a carriage & were quite an important body as we were the only 8 Ambulance men on board – luckily we had no cases of accidents etc to attend to.

From the time the train started we began to see wonderful sights & Curiositys & the further we went the more we saw – the Lazy Nig & the Energetic Nig – The desert in itself is one big object lesson, together with the must be seen to be believed Irrigation scheme – The Line thro desert is one straight line & very level

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