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Lovely day – very cool – quite satisfied the Wandilla is a great old tub, although there is a big swell on. Hope to see land sometime to night, going around the Cape – Land came to view about 3 pm, out of sight again 6 pm, have got around the Cape. Very rough all night – not going to call at Freemantle, going straight to Colombo. Heard the "Warilda" is about 150 miles behind us – with troops on board. So far we have no escort, but I think they vary the course during night. Have 15,000 Bags of wheat on board, as ballast.


Early morning lovely & fresh, but can notice a change in climate, getting warmer, land out of sight. Had our first case of Pneumonia in the Hospital last night, we got no sleep on the quiet. Officers roaring on men for not taking more exercise, instead of laying about, result a couple of hundred men are running

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