Item 01: Charles Monaghan diary, 1916 - Page 217
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[Page 217]
23 July 1916
All day the battle raged with furious intensity. Artillery on both sides shrieked & roared. High explosives & shrapnel. Not a yard of ground that was not torn & rent. Hairbreadth escapes were our portion every hour! The words of that grand hymn, Jesus lover of my soul. continually was thro' my mind --- "Other refuge have I none hangs my helpless soul on Thee", Cover my defenceless head with the shadow of Thy wing. A merciful Providence protected me from all harm.
Incident on our journey to 4th Batt. Stretcher bearers & patient, whiz-bang & concussion pitched me headlong into dugout on top of dead German [indecipherable] return – another explosion, duck, piece just misses my head & buries itself into the earth instead of my back. Lost watch