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We're first to be turnd topsey turvey
& Papists & Methodists paid
Exactly the same as our Clergy
if Preaching & Praying's their Trade.
The Papists soon after will Preach us
long Sermons on Transubstantiation
& the Parliament quickly will teach us
to make it the Creed of the Nation.
They'l next send a message to Rome
Where a Marquis has promised to go
& if he can make the Pope come
to receive him & lodge him at Stowe.
If he wont a new Pope will be chose
by this vile Roman Catholic Clan
& he whispers us under the rose
that he's certain Lord Yarboroughs the Man.
He has heard very honest folks say
of Johnson that Priest of decorum
tho he hunts with him all the long My Lord every day
he sings Mass every evening before him.
In London he's Idols of Stone
in such an incredible plenty
that in his long passage alone
A Man may count nineteen or twenty.