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all the modern improvements of navigation in its improved state no sooner that is made will Long remain undetected
To Fulfill the Surveyor's instructions with the utmost minuteness will add Scarce any thing little or nothing to the duty business imposd upon the Commander by his other orders he is indeed directed to keep a Book in a Form different from that he otherwise would have done but he is used to probably not in a less Commodious one but every remark he is to write in that book he ought to write down in one book or other if he means to Carry must of necessity make & write down in somewhere else if he best met their wishes if he had it met in his Survey is Conducted with any degree of accuracy precision with that
The difference to benefit Government will derive from in the this mode of executing of the business will be is that the employment of Conjecture will be all but impossible; to make the book & the map appear in their Statement of the Situation of a Land a part of the Coast that had that has not been been surveyed would be will always be a matter of Some trouble of much difficulty but as it is impossible such a Coincidence can happen by chance their agreement wodill preclude all possibility of the Commanders having made a mistake any difference therefore that is hereafter Observd between the [two] the Chart & the Coast will if Carry with it in evidence of so clear a Conviction of willfull falsehood [this?] Statement which as no one would choose Person who has any regard for his Character will choose to risk undergo run the Risk if so easy a detection
[following paragraph crossed out]
I am informed have often been told that the survey Lately made under the by direction of the Fishery