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in proper pots Boxes or tubs fit to be placd in the Plants Cabbin, in taking Care of them after they are planted & in attending them which you must not fail to do in Person. When they are removd from the Garden to the ship & also in taking care of them when on board the ship & you will specialy remember that during the whole time they are on board it will be highly improper for you ever to sleep out of the ship.

You are to do your utmost Endeavor to prevent any Plants Trees or Shrubs except such as are intended for the King from being Placd in the Plant Cabbin or in any way put under your Care & Custody & if any officer or other person shall insist upon having plants not intended for the King Placd in the Plant Cabbin or oblige you to take care of Plants not belonging to the King in any other part of the ship you are to write down the Particulars of the transaction at the time it happens & & on your return to England you are to give your written account to his Majesties Principal Gardiner at the Botanic Gardens at Kew.

 You are not on any account or consideration to part with any Plant or the seed of any Plant or any Cutting Graft Slip sucker scion or ofset of any Plant Tree Shrub or Bulb intended for the King & if any person shall by price only Traced Procure from you any of the above articles you are to give an account in writing to His Majesties Principal Gardiner of Kew of all the Circumstances relative to the Transaction with.

You are immediately on the arrival of the ship in which you return in any English Port to advise his Majesties Principal Gardiner at Kew by a Letter of the Place at which you are & the state of the Plants under your Care & you are not on any account to quit the Ship till you have receivd his directions respecting the Conveyance of the Plants to Kew Gardens to which Place you are yourself to attend them.

June 5, 1794.

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