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goodness for Pardoning the liberty I take in pointing out those grievances to you - I have endeavourd to the utmost of my power, I have Considerd it my duty to show the Cause why we are not yet able to feed this Settlement wholly upon Swine flesh, we are about 4500 People of which Number are about 1500 independant of Government but they must live & they alone Consume more fresh Pork than twice the whole Number upon Norfolk Island do, & this is independent of what quantity has been receivd at the Public Store, from this Truth you will Judge of the general quantity; coud we have sent out of the Colony all those who have Completed their term of transportation, then our fresh provision woud have made some figure in the Victualing Accounts , our late Misfortune I am Sorry to say has greatly reducd our Number of Swine - I will no longer take up your time, but request you will allow me the honor of assuring you of the high respect & esteem with which I am
Your most Obediant and
faithfull hble Servant
Jno: Hunter
Col:Paterson is Just gone over land to the Hawkesbury River, to try the Bank which we call the Terrace a little below Richmond Hill, whether it Contains any Coal, as has generally been believd -