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of the Settlement, as well as to show what have been my general Objects, are upon this occasion demanded of me, when they have been laying in the proper Office these three & half years, & a Continuation of them regularly transmitted for the information of His Majestys Minister, You will see Sir that I can scarsely Suppose from this, that they have ever been seen, Never lookd into or in any way Considerd; in Short Sir Joseph you will not be Surprised at my Saying , that I strongly Suspect, some artfull & indirect means have been us'd by unknown Persons, perhaps thro' the Channel of an Anonimous writer, to implicate the Governor in those mean & disgracefull Concerns, probably from an Idea, that a delicacy towards him might smother or sit aside any inquiry into those Malversations in this Colony so much Spoken of elsewhere, or to incline him thro' Vixation to disist his Post & leave the field open; but Sir in my Judgement, the higher the office in which any thing like a disgracefull transaction shall take place the [none?] it an Object for investigation ---------

I will only take the liberty Sir Joseph to assure you as I value my Character far above any other Consideration upon Earth, that coud I have known the change which had taken place in this Colony between the time of my leaving it formerly and my return to it again ; no Consideration whatever but my regard for, & the duty I owe to the Public Service, coud have induc'd or encouragd me to have undertaken it ; and when I look back upon the difficultys I have had to Struggle with, I have much reason to be thankfull for the Strength, and good state of health I have enjoyd , without that blessing I must have Sunk under the pressure and fatigues

of my

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