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excellent matters & regulations which have from time to time taken place much to your honor & somewhat to that of Lord Hobart & his Lordships advisers pray be so good as to continue them as regularly as you can I have at present from No 1 to 11 & from No 30 to 54 the intermediate ones 12-29 inclusive have not been sent.

Caley who always was very usefull to me has of late sent me home many very interesting things & seems industrious in the extreme.  I feel a particular obligation to you for bearing with the effusions of his ill judging spirit had he been born a Gentleman he would have been shot long ago in a Dual as it is I have born with much more than ever you have done under a conviction that he acted under strong tho mistaken feelings of a mind honest & upright I expect much from his excursion to the South where every thing is new.

There is only one part of your conduct as Governor which I do not think right that is your frequent repreives I would  have justice act in the case of those under your command who have already forfeited their Lives & been once admitted to a commutation of Punishment to be certain & inflexible & no one instance on record where more mercy which is a deceiving sentiment should be permitted to move your mind from the inexorable decree of blind justice circumstances may often make Mercy necessary I mean those of suspected error in conviction but mere whimpering soft heartedness never should be heard.

Excuse the desultory state of this letter it was written as most of mine at intervals between numerous interruptions which have too frequently broke in upon the arrangement of matter which ought & otherwise would have taken place.

Believe me my dear Sir
with the sincerest esteem & regard
Your most faithfull sert

Jos. Banks.


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