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Soho Square
June, 6. 1794
My Dear Sir
I have ordered the Kings Gardiner from Kew to prepare himself without the least delay & I have no doubt of his being ready in time it is very desireable that he should have his Passage on board the Royal Admiral, in which Smith your Gardiner & the Plants intended for the Calcutta Gardens are embarked because he will be able to assist in taking care of them & moreover will learn the Art of preserving his homeward bound cargo.
I beg to submit to your discretion & to that of the Court of Directors whether it will not be prudent to add to the usual instructions of the Captain something to the following purport.
That he give all proper assistance to the Gardiners in bringing on board their plants & in carrying them on shore & also in preserving them while on board from the depredations of Animals & the carelessness of Seamen, his assistance will be principally wanted in case in coming round the Cape the Ship falls into cold weather, for then the cabbin will want a covering of old canvas & possibly have need of artificial heat, of which 3 or 4 Tallow Candles will in so small a space furnish a great deal.
That he make proper provision of water for the use of the Plants when he goes to Sea; the quantity of which however can never be considerable, but will be pointed out to him by Smith from time to time.
That special care be taken to prevent Plants belonging to any other person than the King from being placed in the Plant Cabbin, or put under the Gardiners care lest, as is the case sometimes when the Captains Turtles