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[Indecipherable] speak in as if you considered yourself the Representative of a number of Persons deputised with the conduct of these [Indecipherable] with the management of the [Indecipherable] in answer & which I must declare this except yourself & [Mr Wells? McNeally?] I know not of any other person who they expected any serious degree of dissatisfaction This Mr Wells[?] [McNeally?] has I venture to [Indecipherable] from his numerous Publications= I doubt therefore very much the [Indecipherable] of [Indecipherable] speaking in the name of absent [Indecipherable] If[?] you seem inclined to [Indecipherable] this meeting of [Indecipherable] with less care[?] then they ought to have done an examining the account & you have even desird them to refer to their oath & consider whether they have kept it this [Indecipherable] I cannot easily [Indecipherable] the account I venture & say are clearly & ably state to have been examined with as much care as accounts need to be till some work is finished rather we can have [Indecipherable] nothing when [Indecipherable] account when any work is finished it will be time to enquire into the Rates at which the Parts of it have been performed & to settle the next[?] Point of whether it has exceeded the estimate & if so what is the reason you demand from us [Indecipherable] answer to Questions
and [Indecipherable] that we will do this & that do you not consider yourself as one of us a Person who can have no right to Question us & less to bring us to an engagement to do any thing we as a body of which you are a member shall do as we [Indecipherable] next & hereafter & I have never [Indecipherable] the opportunity of saying much less of [Indecipherable] that you have been the cause of overacting in any Particular very idle & [Indecipherable] your telling of giving bread to people in your neighbourhood & telling them that you have done this or that [Indecipherable] I said before I do not know who the persons are except yourself and [McNeally?] who are [Indecipherable] with our