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I therefore wrote to my friend the Bishop of Derry to see what I was intitled to, & on Mr Cook's application to Mr Marsden by sending my letter to him containing the circumstances which I have mentioned, he answerd (for my friends have transmitted to me his original letter to Mr Cook) that he had not receivd then (when he spoke to me) any more than half a years moiety of the former principal Chaplain's Salary, but he expected the remainder for he claimd it & receivd it as appears from the particle then.  When I arrivd here from Norfolk Island he had about £140 of my money, & as I supposd he was my friend, I placd an implicit confidence in him, & as I wanted a horse, having two places 16 miles distant every Sunday to officiate at, he imposd a horse upon me for £70 which was unfit for riding upon or drawing, & a small flock of sheep, which will be of little use to me, if I must leave them here to reside at Norfolk Island.  But Mr Marsden says in his letter to Mr Cook that "he thinks it ungenerous as well as ungrateful in Mr Fulton to state in writing to a dignified character (I only related to his Lordship Mr Marsden's own words as I have done to you madam in this letter) his unfounded suspicions of my veracity.  Mr Fulton, he goes on, wishes to be appointed to one of the Chaplaincies near Port Jackson, my reasons for not recommending him to one of these situations, but to Norfolk Island, will I hope appear satisfactory to you.

"Mr Fulton unfortunately enterd the Colony a Convict for life - but was soon after emancipated by the Governor.  It may perhaps be matter of regret, but the case is, that though a Convict may be made free in the Country, his conduct constantly correct & exemplary, & in addition to these should he prosper & get rich, yet he is never receivd into the class of Gentlemen there.  He cannot partake of the Governor's hospitalities, & his exclusion continues a reproach

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