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tipped into the tippler-wagons which were then wheeled out of the Lager by British Tommies (who were in the secret) under the charge of German Sentries. The Tippler-wagon was left in position to be tipped the following day, Lieut. Brine's idea being to await darkness and then make good his escape. Unfortunately a few hungry Huns from the adjacent village tipped up the wagon, and out rolled poor Brine, dazed by the fall to such an extent that they had secured him before he was able to realise what had happened.
Captain Gore, M.C. and the writer were unsuccessful in an attempt to escape from Strohen in Nov. 1917: However, we deceived the Huns (by hiding) into believing that we had actually escaped; this deception we kept up under difficulties until January 1918 when we were successful in escaping by cutting the wires at nightfall. In wintry weather we had a difficult and exciting time, eventually reaching the river Ems about five miles from the frontier; here we found the river in such a state of flood that we were unable to carry out our idea of swimming across; the bridges were strongly guarded at both sides; boats or rafts were nowhere to be seen and eventually, after five days we were recaptured by Dutch Gendarmes who had evidently been informed by workmen who had seen us. We were kept nine days in the civil jail at Meppen and eventually sent to Holzminden where that arch-Hun Capt. Niemeyer kept us in solitary confinement for seven weeks.
Another daring escape was made by Captain Gardner, from Strohen Lager, where he was then the senior Australian Officer. In full view of two sentries he cut the wires and, although fired upon, persevered and was successful in getting away although immediately the alarm was given and a large search party sent out. Unfortunately he was recaptured a few days later.
H. Baker
Late Lieut.
The Lancashire Fusiliers
[Transcribed by Judy Gimbert for the State Library of New South Wales]