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might arise, and in time become a flourishing nation.  The Respect and Equality which the Wives would enjoy with their European Husbands would compensate for their Change of Place, and the Comfort of good Habitations make the Difference of Climate unregarded, a difference which cannot be great as all the Present Inhabitants of that Country go naked without any covering whatsoever.  Whatever Numbers the Society Isles could not spare the Friendly might supply; an Intercourse and traffic might commence between the new settlers and their new kindred, the Commodities might be transported to the others, & possibly the original Parent Country might derive Benefits from Both.

I do not know to whom I could with more propriety submit this Idea than to a Lover of Mankind who hath traversed all these Countries, knows their Soils, their products and Inhabitants, from whose Discoveries the Bay received the name of Botany, & who can best Judge the Practicability of the Prospect and


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