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nearly got sniped myself by Indians. The Indians catch a sniper who potted a couple of their men, they cut his head off and brought it back, when asked for the body they replied that body too heavy. Got word that 3rd. Brigade and N.Z. captured Batt. of Turks. Enemy sunk small mine sweeper close in shore. Tucker pretty good now, we get Bully, bacon, biscuits, cheese, thousands of packs lying along shore some belonging to men in firing line, others dead and wounded. I have lost my pack, and have not the slightest hope of finding it. Had an issue of rum, just about two spoonfuls, enough to rinse your canteen lid and make it smell very stingy in this line a bit off for a believe we only get it once a week.
1st [May]
Enemy shrapnel and snipers still at it knocking a few of our boys, also some of the Indian A.S.C. Seen a couple of Armenian refugees, I believe they raised a Batt. of them in Egypt, they are here doing Transport work and Fatigue work. Don't go pots on them. They look a miserable lot. Saw a lot of prisoners brought in today. Orders come 2nd Batt. to go up and support R.M.L.I. in the centre. Went up at 4 p.m.
Nothing happened while out on out-post last night, relieved this morning at 6 p.m. [a.m.?] have breakfast then start making roads for Artillery, very little shrapnel here, have plenty of snipers though. Dig all day, at about 5 p.m. all the Warships and our own Artillery start bombarding enemy trenches and reinforcements, which they are bringing up – a great sight, the Warships using Lydite and Common Shell. R.A. Shrapnel must have done terrible damage to enemy for when a Lydite hit it it tore up the ground for yards. We could see men, guns and earth all go up in the air together, this lasted for an hour. On digging trenches tonight.
On building roads for Artillery to-day. Our old Colonel shot dead last night, hard luck for us, just as we got to like him we lose him. He was worrying too much lately, little or no sleep last night or I should say early this morning he goes out past the picket lines, don't know what for, on returning he was challenged by the sentry one of our own Company who on receiving no reply, fired, not knowing whom he had shot. In the morning when he went out instead of finding a dead Turk we found our poor old Colonel, lying face down shot through the head. You have no idea how we felt, most of us wanted to shoot the sentry, or at least do him some bodily harm, but as we did not know who the Sentry was and it was explained to us that the Colonel was walking in his sleep, we had to let it drop; we buried him, most of us feel a bit off, a bit downhearted. We have only 2 Captains and 7 Lieutenants left out of 32, most of our N.C.O. men have been put out of action. I feel pretty upset over the poor old Colonel. Yesterday he had Sid Cain and myself up before the heads, Generals Birdwood and Walker, telling them how we had kept beside him, and that we were the only ones left out of the party he had, and we had done this and that thing, both Sid and myself had forgot about. They wanted to promote Sid but he would not have any, told them he had enough to look after himself without looking after anyone else. The Heads shook hands with us and told us Australia was proud of us and a lot more "Bunkum" that made a man's head swell. I was made Sergeant.
About 11 a.m. we got orders to relieve 5th, and 6th Battalions on right flank, we pack up and down the hill we go then up a valley to the right flank we are all pretty well done up, had very little sleep lately, at 5 p.m. we get in the trenches and relieve the 5th and 6th. This is a bit off for a Battalion of 520 strong lot of them wounded too, going to hold a position which had taken 2 batt. with 1500 to 1600 between the two of them. Something wrong somewhere, we are to arms in the trenches to-night, that means no sleep to-night for any of us.
[Transcriber's notes:
A.S.C. – Army Service Corps – P. 5
R.M.L.I. – Royal Marine Light Infantry – P. 5]
[Transcribed by Judy Gimbert for the State Library of New South Wales]