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6 June 1791
Sir Joseph Banks
Bot of [bought off] Abm. Dalton
1000 Garden Pots ---3d | £12.10.0 |
1000 Do. -------- 2 | 8. 6. 8 |
Crates Straw &c ----- 1 | 1.16.10 |
2 Men ½ day & Waterage | .5.0 - |
22.18.6 |
Recd the Contents
A. Dalton
London June 7. 1791
Receiv'd of Sir Joseph banks the Sum of twenty Pounds on account of Garden Pots made on Government Account for the use of his Majesties Ship Providence.
A. Dalton.
No. 6
London June 17. 1791
Bought of George Parkinson
Tin Plate Worker & Oilman No 422 near Bedford Street, Strand.
1 Painted Water Pot | ..3.6. |
3 Ditto | ..7.6 |
2 long Pipes & painted | ..2.-- |
..13.-- |
Recd the Contents
G. Parkinson
Current Status: