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[Written by Joseph Banks]
Account of money advanced by Sir Jos. Banks during the outfit of the Providence & Assistance
advanced to James Wiles Principal Gardiner at different times on account of his Pay |
£55.0.0 |
Do. Do. to Chr. Smith second Gardiner | 55.0.0 |
Paid Board wages at 10/6 a week to Wiles 11 weeks to June 25 1791 |
5.15.6 |
Do. Do. to Chr. Smith 8 weeks to Do. | 4.4.0 |
Paid Mr Dalton, Potter of Deptford for Garden Pots | 22:18:6 |
Paid Geo Parkinson for watering Pots etc | 0:13:0 |
Paid -- Colwell for Pickaxes Tine Forks etc | 1:12:10½ |
Paid Hugh Ronald for 20 Pine Plants as a present |
5:14:6 |
£150:18:4½ |
They were received on board and put into a mess the expense of which is to be allowed them on June 25. 1791.
James Wiles was engaged on April 11 1791.
Christopher Smith was engaged May 2 1791.
How is their pay to be provided [indecipherable] from the Period of their respective engagements to that of their being enterd on board the Providence.
Augst. 20 1791.
M: Benby
a copy of this bill was left with Mr Pollock for Mr Nepean
Augt 20 1791.
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