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hit rendering it partially out of action; undaunted, the gallant crew promptly rallied and turned their undamaged guns upon the enemy – this action assisted greatly, in the capture of the first objective.
The 4th. wave was not 400 yards out. The Hun Maxims and bombers and riflemen poured a veritable hail of lead into us from their second line. Simultaneously numerous maxim outposts effectively covered the Hun retirement from the first line of trenches. Our lands, wounded and killed – fell incessantly. My pal by my side, received several bullets through his right arm, and staggered painfully against my shoulder; I promptly relieved him of his equipment and endeavored to persuade him to retire; hoping he might reach the original line. He eagerly persisted to move forward again; (as he was so keenly bent upon knocking a few Huns before retiring) ultimately loss of blood rendered him too weak for the effort. Unfortunately I do not know how he fared after leaving me. The first line of wire was approximately, 500 yards from the sunken road. As I approached, myriads of bullets whizzed past and cracked in my equipment and under my feet. We were enfiladed from both flanks.
The Corporal of the Lewis gun team and myself with two men, were at this stage, the only representatives of 10 men; the other six had fallen. With vindictive determination We struggled into the wire, which was about 30 feet deep, and only partially broken; a veritable death trap. Luckily, we four, managed to scramble through safely; although considerably scratched and bruised. A few seconds later we entered the 1st trench so recently occupied by Huns, but now in the hands of the 1st. and 2nd waves. Immediately I entered the trench I jumped over the parados eager to begin the second phase of the battle. My companions soon joined me; we four managed to keep in touch; none of us had the remotest idea of the whereabouts of our Platoon or company. The morning was still intensely dark but fortunately we knew the direction in which the second objective lay; providing one escaped shell and bullet, the Company