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Surgeon visited him and suggested another operation, but the Hun declined. Another case of carelessness occurred in "Swei" ward. A Russian recently captured had a leg amputated. He was taken to his bed and whilst the orderly was placing the blankets over him, he noticed blood oozing through the bandages; he promptly informed the Doctor who had him taken into the theatre again. When he removed the bandages, he discovered an artery not securely tied. Fortunately the man was in good health; that alone saved his life. Col. Goldenberg and Capt. Lubinsky, have lately been transferred toGefangenen Lazarett (Prisoner of war hospital) Castle; they are both a sad loss to all patients here, the new Russian Surgeon is a keen worker, but unfortunately his duties are performed in another ward. A Hun student has attended me lately; I experience much inconvenience and discomfort at his hands. Recently my wound has been dressed regularly and it appears my case is a very complicated and unusual one, naturally interesting him. Huns always show exceptional interest in cases likely to benefit their profession.
1st. Dec. Life continues in the same old groove of misery and monotony; occasion ally interrupted by a little excitement caused by "Old Bill" who makes innumerable inspections and strafing raids. His latest scheme is collecting horse chestnuts from the gardens. Many substitutes are extracted from these nuts; chiefly a milky juice which is used as milk, and the shells as a substitute for coffee. Wounded and sick men able to walk are detailed for this work. Every evening odious smells issue from the kitchen, where the cooks burn barley, this is used as a substitute for coffee. Potatoes, barley, bone meal and occasionally macaroni (substitute) are the chief foods. The soups are considerably more substantial and quite palatable nowadays. If I have any parcels in hand I extract the potatoes, with which I mix a little canned meat. This is a tasty dish in Hunland. The only means of making parcels last for any time, is to share with a partner or as the Tommies put it "muck in" from experience, I find it the only suitable means for providing
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