Item 02: George R. Faulkner war diary, 16 March 1916-5 July 1916 - Page 20

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[Page 20]

with Bill Bedsor – reading "West Wind" in the afternoon. Myself & 4 others went down to Zeitouin Convent to Benediction. It was very nice – there were about 30 Soldiers – 6 Sisters French order & about 12 French people. We all sang & Sister played accompaniments of Hail Queen of Heaven, Faith of our Fathers – we also had issued to us printed forms of Tantum Ergo & others which we struggled thro. One of the features of this mornings Service was the serving by a huge B.W. Indies Nig about 14 stone weight & 6 ft 3 & as black as Kiwi. He served very nicely & so devoutly that he was an object lesson to lots of whites. He was also carrying Sergeants Stripes. After Benediction I went around to Helmieh Soldiers Club

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