Item 02: George R. Faulkner war diary, 16 March 1916-5 July 1916 - Page 10

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[Page 10]

plenty of marble etc lovely Piazzas hanging Electric lights etc.

21/3/16 Tuesday
22/3/16 Wednesday
23/3/16 Thursday
24/3/16 Friday
25/3/16 Saturday
26/3/16 Sunday
27/3/16 Monday
28/3/16 Tuesday

Not worth notes this week as we were all disgusted.

29/3/16 Wednesday

Very Hot – Got orders to be ready to march out at 7.30 am, needless to add, we didn't waste any time time to get away from the wretched A.G.H – which all us L.H.F.A were very loathe to go to even on fatigue.

I should say that on one yesterday while loading, there was a string of motor lorry's & A.S.C wagons, some 50

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