Item 02: George R. Faulkner war diary, 16 March 1916-5 July 1916 - Page 3

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[Page 3]

[Transcriber's notes:
The diary covers the period from 16 March 1916 to 5 July 1916 and documents Faulkner's experiences in Egypt (at Zeitoun, Ferry Post and briefly in Alexandria), the voyage from Alexandria to Marseilles, the train journey from Marseilles to Steenbecque, and a short period in Steenbecque near Ypres. Faulkner seems to have been a devout Roman Catholic and describes his attendance at services both within the camp and in nearby towns or convents.

Throughout the diary there are detailed references to scenery, weather conditions, inhabitants and towns, and also observations on the differences between various sections of the Australian forces (mostly Field Ambulance, Light Horse, Flying Corps) and between Australian and English 'Tommies'. There are also several mentions of delays in getting mail and in being paid.

Page 1: list of French words and English meanings
Page 4 ff: in camp at Zeitoun; description of camp life; visits to Cairo
Pages 13,14: references to old graves and soldiers' acquisition of remains and artefacts
Pages 22-24: Move to Tel el Kebir (spelt Telekebar throughout) (12 April 1916)
Page 33: Move to Ferry Post (21 April 1916); references in following pages to Suez Canal – shipping and swimming
Pages 38-39: Description of Battle of Telekebar (c 1881)
Page 60: Move to Moaske (2 June 1916)
Page 61: list of officers in 15th Field Ambulance
Pages 68-70: lists tent mates
Pages 70-72: Preparation for moving out, move to Alexandria and boarding troopship Royal George (18 June 1916)
Pages 73-77: Voyage to Marseilles (22-27 June 1916)
Page 77: Disembarkation at Marseilles (28 June 1916)
Page 78: Train journey to Steenbecque. Descriptions of countryside, towns on the way and inhabitants; gives prices for some food items (beer, cocoa, postcards) – symbol assumed to be for centimes
Page 80: Notes on purifying water
Pages 85-88: various notes including names of medical officers and daily routine (times of reveille, meals etc.)]

English – French

Eau – Water
Bread – Pain
Meat – Viande
Matches – Alumettes
Tobacco – Tabac
To Sleep – Dormer
To Drink – Boire
Where is – Qui Est
The German – Les Allemands
Man – Homme
Soldier – Soldat
Woman – Femme
Child – Enfant
Wounded – Blesse
Ambulance – –
Railway – Chemin de fer
River – Fleuvre
Road – Chemin
Thank you – Merci

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