Item 02: George R. Faulkner war diary, 16 March 1916-5 July 1916 - Page 44

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26/4/1916 Wednesday

Absolutely the hottest I've ever experienced, majority say Temperature was 115 in the shade.

One could hardly stay in the tent. The dust, sand & heat was very hard on my eyes, so I am now wearing goggles & find much relieved – Drilling all day on the sand, we were quite busy all day at times bringing in fellows sunstroke etc from the Division we are at present with. There is a general activity here, all units going their hardest. Artillery firing all day. Infantry rifle firing bomb throwing & trench digging – Bayonet practising etc. 15th F. Ambulance getting everything ready.

Brigadier McKay – Prince of Wales & Staff are buzzing about every day – all these things tell me that they expect the Turks here any day. We have also been warned against hostile airships.

We all had to do a perish for water to day, got some water about 8.30 pm – only about 2,000 men waiting. Had two good swims.

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