Item 02: George R. Faulkner war diary, 16 March 1916-5 July 1916 - Page 32

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16/4/16 Sunday

Sergt McDonald promoted to S.M. very popular move. From an A.M.C. mans point of view this camp from a Sanitary point of view is disgraceful & reflects greatly on the Heads & more especially the Medical Men.

The authoritys do not hesitate to inoculate us against all epidemics etc & yet they cater for disease by ignoring sanitary arrangements & endeavouring to keep down to keep down the cursed flies. It is all the more serious since the Medical Men think that every fellow that parades sick is a malingerer – they are now putting into to force this fact – Fit A Class, be ready to move off to the front. Class B fit to be Classified. Class – C unfit – go back to Australia: means Fit or Unfit.

17/4/16 Monday

Very Hot – Corporal of a Picquet all day. Went over to 14/2nd L.H. & paraded myself to Lt. Tricket, stated myself case to him

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