Item 02: George R. Faulkner war diary, 16 March 1916-5 July 1916 - Page 30

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Our Kits only came to hand today & about 6 Kits have been cut & anything decent or valuable taken out, the guards caught one man in the act, so we hope they give him 5 years. One of my boys L Penfold lost everything, & they must have changed & left him the dirty change, but they were careful not to leave any names.

16/ Sunday

Very hot – nice & cool after sundown. Went about 2 miles across the Camp to Church at 7-30 am. The C.E parade was a fine spectacle – About 3,000 men & perhaps 150 Officers were arranged up in a square, the Minister in the middle, together with the Band. Had charge of a Guard all day – just posted them & gave them their shifts & M.Oed. Went over to the 14/2nd L. Horse Camp, but Lt. Trickett was out, it is about 2 miles away – alongside are the Indian Lancers. They are very knatty & very clean – they kill their own meat, they have a lot of Goats yarded up in a barricade to be killed. One thing

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