Item 07: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 23 November 1916-18 January 1917 - Page 46

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[Page 46]

6 of our aeroplane heavily loaded with bombs flew over us making East, these were followed later by 5 others & they gave the Turks at Maghaba (18 miles South) a rough time mine sweepers have been at work all day & exploded six mines, two men were killed & 3 wounded they discovered the mines were exploded by trip wire on the beach; this morning Sgt Edwards Lindsell, Bat Pearson & I went on an exploring party through the town of El Arish. We mustered up what little Arabic we knew & got along fairly well & managed to buy a few oranges at 2 ½ each & the natives were also asking 1 PT (2 ½) lack for eggs so we decided to leave the eggs alone, paid the mosque a visit & found it

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