Item 07: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 23 November 1916-18 January 1917 - Page 12

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[Page 12]

Tue 28th
Sergt Hill was sent to this Regt from B.H.Q. this morning as a spare Sergt waiting for a vacancy, & has been put on Head Qrs & is taking charge of stables fatigues etc. & has relieved me of a lot of work. I have nothing to do now but supervise signallers. Received orders to have 5 Helio stations out tomorrow as we are duty Regt again. Sergt Browne went into Mazar today to get G.T.T. Canteen stores we ordered from W.O. Frost before leaving Willegha, he arrived back before dark with a good supply of goods. Gen. Cox went to Gererat today, Leask & Mann went with him for Signalling work, the Turks have evacuated Gererat & it will be our next camp.

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