Item 08: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 19 January-28 April 1917 - Page 130

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[Page 130]

horses at the Wadi as we crossed & formed up on the West side, boiled our "billies" & had tea & at 8.30 started on a 20 miles trip to Abassan-El-Kebir, about 2 miles from Khan Yunus arriving here at 11 oclock we put the horse lines down & ready to turn in, had a great trip as the 2nd & 3rd Regts came in earlier & the 1st was on its own.

Sun 22nd
Woke this morning by hearing Frost shouting orders to "saddle up everywhere" & found the sun high; none of the Sigs were up & we sprang to it & shortly after shifted our position ½ a mile West just had our line down when a Taube came over & dropped 4 bombs

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