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on the 13th August 1916 where we were allowed the pleasure of a wash, the first since being captured. For want of a better place we were barracked in a Hospital, given two good meals, and a bed to sleep upon. We began to think things were improving and that the Turks decided to make amends for our earlier treatment, but we were awakened early next morning and hurried off to "Damascus" where the treatment was very different to that in Jerusalem. We were cast into a room about 10" by 10" [10 ft. by 10 ft.?] extremely filthy and full of Vermin. Eighteen of us were thus accomodated, and were guarded by as many soldiers who robbed us of our food and kept us strictly confined for three days.
On the 18th August we were taken to "Allepo" where we were thrown into Barracks with a number of deserters from the Turkish Army who were in chains. These Barracks were even more vermenous and filthy than the room at Damascus, but we were allowed the luxury of a bath here. Again we were moved this time to a farm called "Lameoree" where we were supposed to entrain but on account of various delays on our march, we missed the train, and had to wait two days for the next, during which time we were housed in some donkey sheds. Eventually we embarked on the train, our destination being Tarsus, from where we were taken on Motor buses through the Tauris Mountains to a German Camp, but we were not allowed to remain here long being placed under a Turkish escort, and marched off on a 27 Mile journey to Pezanti. This march was one that will live in our minds for ever: we were given no food before starting, and being exhausted from the constant marching and lack nourishment, many of us tired, but the Turks would not allow us to rest, and when any unfortunate lagged behind, he was punished with the butt of a Turkish rifle. In time we all began to tire and each and everyone was punished in like manner. We could not endure this treatment any longer, and rose in rebellion, but we were powerless, and as a reward for our trouble we were made to run instead of march, thus covering the whole