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Notes and Suggestions to Successor.
Station Loading Gang to be either discharged or reduced, recommendation, that Rodney be retained on some useful work such as checking of Stores and Plant etc. until such time as timber is again consigned from Haverfordwest or other Station near Neighbourhood.
The man Jenkins at present with Station Loading Gang is available for Benton Wood and this should be put in train at once.
It is most important that Bangor and London Office should get reminders re Hay, see my letter to Transport London, File, Copy of Letters, date, 23rd. November 1917, meanwhile efforts should be continued locally and the necessity advertised not only in Haverfordwest but in other Centres within reasonable rail distance.
If additional horses is are required, requisition afresh, my original requisition was for 16, 12 sent and this was considered to complete same requisition.
[The following sentence crossed through.] Specification for Oak Sleepers, 9 x 10 x 5 to be cut ½ inch over one side, must be bevelled not more than 1 inch wane.
Specification Oak Sleepers, suitable Wiston Slebech etc.
9 x 10 x 5 to be cut 1/8" over one side to be bevell square.
The other could carry 1" wane that is ½" each edge. [See image for drawing.] wane ½.