Item 04: George Washington Thomas Lambert reports, ca. 1917 - Page 11

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[Page 11]

Beersheba affair. In the afternoon of this day we returned to Belah & after mess I went over to Aust. Div. & made a pencil portrait of Gen. Hodgson. The day following About this time I was fortunate to witness Divisional Sports & also a rehearsal for the review by the Duke of Connaught. We then now moved on to Kelab where we were the guest of Major Chauter [Chaytor] & the Mess at the school there. From here we visited Raafa were furnished with horses & visited Raafa where a record in colour was made. Unfortunately for the purpose of records the old battle ground was covered with encampments, Salvage dumps, P of W enclosures etc. so that to get a representation of the ground as it was during the action was it was necessary to eliminate all that had grown up during the period between occupation & my arrival. Returning to Kelab a painting of a notable troop horse ("Starlight") was executed & the next day we reluctantly left our hosts who had given us shown afforded us so much hospitality & assistance, & proceeded by train to El Arish with a view to making visiting Magdhaba.

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