Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 46

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2 March 1915

Reveille at 6
Stables per usual, & in the morning the CO went into Cairo to try & fix up shortages harness etc Norm and I went into [indecipherable] for machine we fixed it up. When we came home the [indecipherable] is here as usual in a rage over the book for ordering the removal of all [indecipherable] Bert L & myself went out to tea to his Aunts place at [indecipherable] we had a most sensational ride for the cabby was half sprung & he tried all he knew to bluff us but no go. We got there at 6 pm & had tea later which consisted of 6 courses. The daughter proved tiptop & so did her [indecipherable] we left at 4.30 & had to [indecipherable] for miles but we eventually arrived home safe & sound.
3 March 1915
Wednesday 29 wks of soldiering

Reveille at 5.30
Boot & saddle 7.30 & moved off for a divisional day. The two brigades were to attack & recupy a position at [indecipherable] we got into position at 10.15 & engaged the enemy on our left then the NY brigade found them on their right we now held a line some five mls in length the arty opened fire from a range of 6000 yds & quickly brought the enemy to his knees then the inf advanced two mls under protecting fire both arty & dismounted men the inf arrived at trenches held by LH & NZ & then the assault general began with the result of the hill falling at 4.45. We then retired to camp arriving at 5.30. Had tea received orders for the morning. I have to run into Cairo with the C.O. [indecipherable] Bed at 10.

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