Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 32

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[Page 32]

4 February 1915
Stables as usual
My Reg moved out at nine for a Brigade Scheme, all the officers were present, but they know nothing about a form or register. The N Z arty was out in action & the L.H were with us they are a fine body of men both they and ours. Gen Birdwood opened the YMCA today & he spoke of our troops in action & informed us that it wouldn't be long before we were there. The Turks attempted to cross the ditch by a pontoon bridge they were allowed to half construct it when the arty opened fire, the turks were blown to smithereens & 200 captured if the LH had been there they would have captured many more, our losses were two men injured. Teddy went over [indecipherable] Troop and they are any-how no instructors. Bed 9pm

5 February 1915

Stables at 6
Boot & saddle at 8 AM all brigades of LH were to work together & we were in our place attached to HQ with the staff. First of all the scouts on either flank were sent out with two squadrons on the forward move then the advance guard came next with the staff then first line transport & then main body covered by the scan squad the objective was a mountain five mile distant held by the enemy the advance was in extended order & the hill was assailed in mass at one oclock we then retired on to the Nile for water & dinner erected the WT & were congratulated by an AMG man on the efficiency of the Troop we got back at 7 for the day fed up, printed a few photos & then turned in at

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