Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 22

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[Page 22]

15 January 1915

Stables per usual
The Third Regt were tried on Tactics today 2 acquitted themselves real well only procedure is still slack. The 1st are still on station work but are progressing slowly. [indecipherable] ie all breakages & losses due to carelessness are to be paid for by persons sustaining such losses. The truth is that the Boss is getting rather short of cash & consequently must find some channel to restore such funds. It will take a better man than him to define the word [indecipherable]. Toby received a note from home & is answering. Rumour has it that we move at any moment now so expect to be in France shortly thank goodness. Lamp work for Reg Sigs. Bed 9.30

16 January 1915

Stables per usual
Men ordered to pack kit bags in readiness for move which does not come [indecipherable] bad boys picqueting bags to be on horses in fact everything ok but the [indecipherable] 5 staff dodge same. I have the afternoon off. Another mail to hand. I get one from home. Spend afternoon and evening letters, one home and another to Dot & [indecipherable]. I sent a cable home this morning for money I hope that [indecipherable] springs off his tail in replying. All married men to remain at base [indecipherable] not yet confirmed. Got in touch with [indecipherable] on Pyramids by Aclis I gave him a [indecipherable] I also asked him re Dinner next Saturday night answer satisfactory. No sign or word of machines yet hope they keep them for good. Bed at 11.30

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