Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 94

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2 June 1915
Wednesday 42 wks of soldiering

The Turks erected a structure of wire & timber yesterday some 50' long & 25 feet wide & the Gen ordered us to demolish it so two parties of 6 men each [indecipherable] were sent out with explosives to do the job, they used gelignite and succeeded in placing them in position by nine they were to be fired by fire & electricity as a precaution up she went at nine to some time, the Turks have been very quiet today & Army HQ reports that they are exceptionally short of ammunition so we are ordered to draw their fire for all we are worth read official report of the doings of the submarines that went up the Sea of Marmora , met Baty & Tom Wintle yesterday both are in the 2nd Bde. Destroyers are as usual on the go firing at anything & anywhere they are now doing all the firing as the cruisers have gone off on other missions, no word of Norm yet. Spotted pigeons again leaving Turkish lines at 7.20 & reported it to the C.O who reported it to HQs.

3 June 1915
Thursday Kings Birthday (annotated 48)

Nothing doing at all last night but first thing this morning the artillery opened up with a duel & they made things willing I tell you. Bombs are good oh all day & night & down at the beach Gaba Tepe opened up on the trackers & after planting 15 shots all around them they eventually hit his stern but he quickly got out of range. I met Paddy Hansen & Merv Knights Merv expects to be transferred to Popes early in the next week. Schmidt was shot yesterday as Paddy informed me today, on account of the Kings birthday an extra issue of rum has been alloted to all ranks & is highly acceptable; Our 6th howitzers have been firing splendidly lately & the shell is bursting well. Snipers are busy again both in the morning & evening & arty are trying a new ruse. Conference of heads has been on all day & something big is coming off, hope its tonic for times are dull at present Bed at 8.00.

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