Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 79

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[Page 79]

7 May 1915

Revielle at 5.30
First parade & a little signalling of course as if there's nothing else to do, then I had to go into Cairo to collect goods ordered yesterday got back at 12.5 in time for dinner, then had to go in again to fix up sharpening bayonets. Mail back came to hand two from Sydney but none from home Larkin gets a budget. I got all my correspondence up to date & ready for posting tomorrow. We are booked to leave at 10.15 Sunday morning & are to embark straight away. The 2nd Brig was out on trek & they were ordered to return to camp immediately but machine gun section are to precede the Brigade by four days. Iron rations issued also knapsacks Bed 10 pm

8 May 1915
Saturday Entrained today

Revielle at 5.30
Stables as usual & then packing commences first the waggon which has to report at [indecipherable] at 9.45 tonight our train moves out at 2.50 Sunday morn. The Germans have [indecipherable] the Lusitania & now something ought to be doing. Italy is still on the brink of war & the Japs are at the Chows. I had another two trips to Cairo re Reg Fund, said goodbye to Frank & Flower & Joe Gillies. More mail arrives but none for me as usual Larkin gets the lot. Great [indecipherable] is in the LH lines tonight for they are eager to be there & nothing will please them better than to get there lively, the chaps to stay behind are feeling it No bed tonight.

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