Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 76

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[Page 76]

1 May 1915

May Day & Reveille at 5.30 as usual Stables to follow after break, grooming & the motors had their usual clean up, then I started printing photos for the mail I succeeded in finishing about 40 so that ought to satisfy them for a while, after that I spent a few hours at the wickets on the H.Q     's lines our own wicket is playing exceedingly well & the men are fair & all on a par with one another Chess filled in the evening with Bert Wounded are still arriving from the Dard's & the Palace Hospital is full now but it seems that all the minor cases are being forwarded here also for treatment , we don't expect to leave for weeks yet if then Bed at 9.55 PM

2 May 1915
Sunday (annotation 42)

Reveille at 5.30
Made up my mind to go to church this morning so Bobby and I went, the service was good & the news from the Dardanelles was thrilling but our chaps seem to have been rather venturesome. in the afternoon I got all my correspondence up to date. We hear that mail is due tomorrow so am looking forward to it anxiously for news from home & Nell. Toby got rid of his machine today & is now the richer by a checqe of £ 50. British regulars are arriving here (wounded) from the front, the French have captured Chanak on the opposite side of the Narrows. H.Qs played the Bde train cricket today but were badly beaten H.Q scored 88 & the Train 112 Bed 9.5

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