Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 166

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24 October 1914
Saturday Henley Day

Reveille at 6
TS Armadale about 8 lengths on Port bow she comes alongside for signaling sea very rough and wind high, have semaphore pract with [indecipherable] breakfast good. Inspection by Ships Captain also the Lance Sapper dinner good soup roast & vegetables exercise horses during afternoon then write to Nell we hope to get into Albany tomorrow if weather holds. Frean very crook & Mitch has promised him a wash tomorrow for he hasn't had one since he's been on board. Sight large whale on port bow at 2PM. Have a fire alarm at 4PM all men to their stations for practice it doesn't worry us much for we still sleep on, we form a mess today to lay in stores at Albany & Tob is [indecipherable] now we have collected £4.15 [indecipherable] champ of England gives exhibition with mits Bed 9

25 October 1914
Sunday Albany

Reveille at 6
We go on the stables for 4 days from today feed up & water first parade breakfast follows good this time. After that stables then church parade then finish stables Land is sighted at 12.30 during the night we left the Armadale miles astern the cruiser is still on our port bow, land is getting plainer every minute at 3pm the Kanouna came out from the harbour & passed us a few miles out , the hills look lovely from deck after seeing no land for days get into the harbor at 6 there find that 12 T ships & 10 unloaded ones await us Picket picks us up at the heads then proceed to moorings, Albany looks great in the distance. Tug comes round with officers on board from other ships . armed picquet on board. Write to Nell & Mother see Teddy Henderson on the tug & then have tea after which turn in.

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