Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 152

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26 September 1914

Reveille 6 o clock stowed hammocks after a bonza night.
6.15 got kits out of hold onto wharf for inspection then had breakfast which is good although the tea is [indecipherable] went down into engine room got locked in propeller tunnel which is 62 yds long
9 AM men got news to go back to camp news came to hand that German cruisers were knocking about outside heads Signal troop to remain on board till further orders
3PM Percy G & Ern arrive show them all new ship [indecipherable] also they leave at 5PM
6 ring up Teddy but he's at mess so decided to stay overnight
9.30PM turn in

27 September 1914

Reveille at 8.30
Breakfast 9.0 Eggs bacon curryed stew fried boiled spuds then fruit to follow cleaned decks Mr Watson & Gordon arrive also Troopship A26 From Sydney all hands up mast for signalling then play cards till 11AM write letters Nell included
Dinner 12.30 made out list as per mess orderlies Toby brother arrives for lunch no orders have come to hand yet for disembarkation
[indecipherable] arrived at 2.30 Troop to go back tomorrow morning after packing Transport. 2 naval amb men from England arrived & mess with us Mother & Dad put in appearance at 5.30 stay till 6.30 tea follows then boxing 8.10 bed with reading accompaniment 9.0 lights out

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