Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 181

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23 November 1914
Monday Sighted Land

Revielle at 6
Sighted land at 9 oclock, the island of Loyota off Cape Guard [indecipherable] on the N E coast of Africa inhabited by Arabs & Cannibals. The isle is about 80 miles long & of a very rugged nature & very high mountains from our view it presents a very impressive appearance. Huge sharks have been seen today proving that we again are in shallow water jelly fish by the [indecipherable]. Stables this morning under Metch. Motors lowered into hold this afternoon at last. The moon rose early & presented a most unusual sight with a gold & varied coloured ring around it. phosference about 2 ft long in great evidence also due to jelly fish also. Three large steamers passed this morning going eastwards expect to see Aden tomorrow but are not calling in our next call is Port Said. Tonight [indecipherable] play chess. Bed at 9.00.

24 November 1914
Tuesday Sailed 5 weeks today from home

Revielle at 6
Land was out of sight this morning when we arose. The [indecipherable] cleared out & left the Wiltshire in charge of us. A great shoal of sharks pass early. Toby & the Boss go down the No 5 hold for stores & succeed in finding the majority of the stuff but no motor spares. Find that the raisens fruit etc have been broken into by some other enterprising youths also come across two cases of petrol which Teddy promptly reported to the Skipper & who has ordered it to be thrown overboard. Expect to reach Aden tonight late & sighted Somaliland at 7 this evening on the S W horizon. Red seaweed is largely noticed now as that proves that we are approaching the Red Sea hear also that we are to stay three days at Port Said for engine repairs. Oneill starts training for home bout. Bed at 9.

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