Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 171

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3 November 1914
Tuesday Cup Day

Roused out at 6
Sea running mountains high & as soon as I got up I knew I was in for a bad day & I got it sat dinner time & to finish agony I poked my finger down & saw Europe & have been alright ever since. The court-martial came off today & [indecipherable] & Latham were called as witnesses. The accused got 56 days confinement & lowered to the ranks. We sighted the [indecipherable] & 3 cruisers at 3PM & when we caught them the cruisers took up position on either flank & the Jap took up the rear. Stables as per usual but it was too rough to exercise the nags as the waves were coming over the focastle. Teddy was duly christened by a beaut whilst he was going down the hold. Horses all off their tucker & in a few days expect more deaths. SS Port Lincoln rolling along like a pig in a pulpit & has to rig a staysail to keep her head to it. Bed at 8pm

4 November 1914
Wednesday 2 weeks out

Had the roughest time last night that we have gone through for the sea was awful but went down early in the morning & now is very oily. We narrowly avoided a collision with the Port Lincoln for she is like a bee in a pot of blanc mange. Toby has been bad all day & is now slowing recovering. We are just a week off the line. Saw more flying fish this afternoon. Two more horses died in No 5 Hold last night making 8 for the voyage. One of the boys on the NZ boats was operated on for appendicitis & it has proved successful. Canteen run out of soft drinks so we are on nothing but crook water. Met a chap from Geelong who knows Mrs Coles, also DB. We got vaccinated today & are now expecting sore arms in a few days time. Blanket inspection by Q Sergeant everything OK in our lines. All horses had a bran mash tonight about time for it's the first since we left home. Bed at 8

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