Item 01: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 24 September 1914 - 23 September 1915 - Page 170

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1 November 1914
Sunday Albany Sailed today

Got up at 5 for the ships are on the move already everything is bustle & the different flagships are in their places. Director 1st Div FS sailed past us at 6.35 & from then onwards for 2 hours at intervals of 440 yards boats filed past us the NZ fleet bringing up the rear, the ships presented an indescribable sight for never has the worlds seen such an array before to leave on a trip of 14000 miles & 10 o clock the last boat had passed the heads & the remainder had formed up in three lines of 20 mls making about 60 miles of ships the Monitor AC took up the lead with the Melbourne on our Right & the Sydney on the Left. Flying fish seen about 9 Church Parade about 11 Gen Gordon takes the service 15 years ago today since the first Australian contingent sailed for Africa. Ships altered course at 6 pm to pass Cape Leuwin, hear that we go through the Suez Canal, also we won't see land for three weeks. Good old Australia you now have passed from view at 7.5 goodbye Nell & Mother

2 November 1914

Reveille at 6
Stables for 4 days ship very [indecipherable] as a heavy sea sprung up during the night & got even worse through the day & some of the boats have had great difficulty in keeping to their course Great Britain declares war on Turkey & Teddy says that possibility we will go to Egypt that is if Turkey proves aggressive. The reserves went on strike yesterday & were brought up before [indecipherable] some got fined £ 1 & the Corporal is to be court martialed. Wing plaited & spliced three hammocks tonight & as JACK Latham is in one there will be some fun. Have had a bad attack of out of sorts & besides felt a trifle squeamish all day. Capt Mathieson startled everyone today by letting out a yell in No 2 Hold he got jammed by a horse. Norm Frean is as sick as a cat again, worse than before. No 2 mess vaccinated today & most of the boys have got lovely arms, expect we'll be done tomorrow changed our course today to due N & it is now certain that we call in at Colombo & have a trip through the Suez went to bed at 8

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