Item 04: Leslie William Sutherland's account of operations of the 1st Squadron, A.F.C., 40th wing, R.F.C., 1917-1919 - Page 15

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Several bodies of cavalry amounting in all to about 1450, were seen on a Line stretching East from a point behind the Eastern KAUWUKAH trenches 3000 yards E. of the railway as far as V.16 (Sheet 0.6), 9000 yards further E. and about 150 cavalry were struggling Northwards from the direction of BEERSHEBA towards this line. About 250 cavalry were also in line behind the redoubts in W.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (Sheet 0.5).

Patrol machines reported the BEERSHEBA-HEBRON Road as far as DHAHERIYEH clear of the enemy at about 1300, with the exception of about 250 cavalry resting to the West of the road, 7 miles N.E. of the town.
The evening reconnaissance      reported a certain movement of infantry, amounting to not more than 500, marching S. from HUJ and KOFHKAH, but no serious reinforcements were seen on the move.

(2) Hostile Aircraft Patrols:-
These were carried out continuously in accordance with the programme.
Seven enemy machines were engaged in the course of the four days and whenever met they were hunted back to their lines. not entirely possible to keep machines from crossing our lines, but the enemy aeroplane which reconnoitred the Southern area on the morning of the 30th and was in a position to report the flanking movement of our troops on the right was engaged over KHZALASSZA and brought down just outside our lines and both pilot and observer were made prisoner. There seems little doubt that during the operations the enemy suffered seriously from interference with their aerial observation.
In addition, the patrol and escort machines were able to bring in a great deal of valuable information as to enemy movements.

(3)      Photography.
Photographs were taken daily of BEERSHEBA, RUSHDI and KAUWUKAH defences, and the information obtained from them was at once plotted on the 1/20,000 map by a special staff working at the NURAN Aerodrome. The corrected map was then reproduced by photography and copies distributed by air or despatch rider to XX CORPS and DESERT MOUNTED CORPS the same evening.


On the morning of the 1st. it was evident that considerable reinforcements had been brought to or were on their way to SHERIA and the left flank. 650 infantry were seen marching South from BUREIR, 1500 to 2000 infantry with horse transport were moving from the N.W. on the village in C* (Sheet D.4). There were about 3000 infantry in and around SHERIA and 600 infantry near the Railway about 3 miles from N.E. SHERIA.
The KAUWUHAH line as far as U15 appeared to be normally held, there were about 270 cavalry in front of and behind the redoubts in U30 and V19.
No movements of importance were reported in the DEIR SINEID area. Seven de-railed trucks were seen at the siding S. of the Wadi, evidently the result of the previous days bombardment.
A patrol machine in the afternoon reported that the Railway bridge at SINEID showed signs of two direct hits on the embankment at the North end, and that it was evidently not in use. No new developments were reported by the evening reconnaissance. The KAUWUKAH system was apparently normally held. Photographic work was done of the KAUWUKAH system on this day and incorporated in maps which were reproduced photographically and distributed on the preceding days.
During the five days from the 28th up to the 1st the flying hours of the Wing amounted to 213 hours 37 minutes.

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