Item 04: Leslie William Sutherland's account of operations of the 1st Squadron, A.F.C., 40th wing, R.F.C., 1917-1919 - Page 14

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26.10.17 to 1.11.17
     After the 27th inst. the 40th Wing ceased to reconnoitre the Tactical Area, the reconnaissance of which was taken over in its entirety by the 5th Wing. No developments of importance were reported on the 26th or 27th.

     On the 26th the Northern Area was reconnoitred. There was an increase of 220 tents and shelters in No. 8 area, of which half was near HERBIEH and half between BRITHANUN and TUMBAH. Another increase (from 48 to 140 tents and shelters) was reported near the village in C8. These increases, correspond to the rumoured arrival of the 7th and 19th Divisions on this Front.
     On the following day a special reconnaissance was sent to DHAHERIYEH to verify the reported existence of a line of defence from that place to ARAK-el-MENSHIYE, but no trace of this could be seen.

     During the remainder of the week, the 40th Wing was occupied with the special duties assigned to it in Connection with the BEESHEBA operations, culminating in the attack on and capture of that town in the evening of the 31st.
On the three days preceding the attack, the role of the 40th Wing consisted (a) in reconnoitring twice daily the enemy country South of the WADI HESI between the sea and SHERIA with the object of detecting any movement of enemy troops due either to the preparations for the attack on and envelopment of BEERSHEBA, or to the bombardment of the GAZA Area, and reporting to XX Corps H.Qrs. by message, and (b) the maintenance of constant Hostile Aircraft patrols during the hours of daylight to preclude the enemy from gaining information as to the movement of our troops. These continuous patrols commenced on the morning of the 27th. (c) Photography of the bombardment area in GAZA and SABA and KAUWUKAH Defences.
On the 31st, the whole area of reconnaissance was extended to include the HAREIRA and KAUWUKAH systems and the eastern extension of the latter, and three reconnaissances of the whole area were required. In addition to the usual Hostile Aircraft patrols, the Wing was required to furnish an escort of the machines of the CORPS WING, carrying out contact patrols with the XX Corps, and with DESERT CORPS and artillery machines co-operating with the XXI Corps.

Taking the above duties seriatim:-
(1).     Reconnaissance:-
     No abnormal enemy movements were reported on the 28th and 29th. On the 30th three new camps of about 140 large shelters were seen North East of
ZUHEILIKA. On the morning of the 31st. a great deal of movement apparently resulting from our threat to BEERSHEBA, was seen throughout the area. The general trend of infantry movements observed was towards GAZA from the North and East, and of cavalry towards SHERIA and HAREIRA from the North. A new camp of 230 tents was seen at BURIER possibly belonging to one of the two Divisions. In the afternoon a battalion of Infantry was observed halted at HULI, but no reinforcements were moving Southwards. /Several

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