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The Company was relieved from Support on the night of 4/8/18 and went back to old billets near Vaux. The period up to 8/8/18 was more or less rest except for a party which worked in shifts on dug out work near Hamel, and a party which worked one night on getting pontoon stores up stream to Sailly le Sec. On the morning of 8/8/18 at 4-20 a.m., the attack of British, Australian, Canadian and French Corps on a twenty mile front commenced with a 13 mile deep objective. The company was on forward road repair. One platoon went up shortly after zero, and the others about two hours later. Very little shelling and no casualties. The company did good work and got all batteries through up to time. The main work was on a cross country track between Warfusee Abancourt and Cerisy. The whole company worked on this and other roads for some days, and moved camp from the Cerisy Valley to Morcourt in some old German dugouts. Lt. Rowan and about thirty eight men were employed with men from other Coys. under the Battalion 2nd in Command in raising a blown bridge over the Somme between Cerisy and Chipilly. This work was successfully completed and opened for traffic in six days.
The company then went into a period of training during the time the division was out of the line.
The training period only lasted for three days, and the division crossed the Somme to act as the Liaison Force North of the River.
[Comment in margin] Sanday's marines [?]
The battalion moved into the Line as an Infantry unit on the night of the 20th August, in the sector in front of Bray. The company was in support to the Right company with H.Q. in Etinehem. The support area was rather heavily shelled at times. On 22/8/18 the division moved up into the trenches vacated by the Right Company. The battalion had advanced its line slightly and continued to hold it. On 23/8/18 the company received short notice to advance two platoons and capture the village of La Neuville, which was across a canal and swamp on a peninsula. The two platoons crossed the river in daylight by boats, being lightly shelled on the way across the peninsula. They separated, and carried out a flanking movement on the village. The village was taken without opposition, except M.G. and rifle fire from Bray on the left.
The company then dug in on the East side of the village, being now S.E. of Bray, but were afterwards withdrawn by order to a position South of the village to enable a shoot to be put onto Bray for the operation of the 10th Brigade. During the capture of Bray at 1.40 a.m. on 24/8/18 the company again moved forward in front of the village and dug three platoon posts. The period was a very sleepless one throughout. No. 7 Platoon built a bridge across the Somme.
On the morning of the 25th some bridge work was commenced and later handed over to the engineers. The company then went onto roads again.
The enemy commenced to withdraw and the company moved forward on Road work keeping up with our advance.
This description of the period must include a word of praise for the company signallers, who kept communication open under heavy fire for many hours. The following men were specially mentioned to B.H.Q. for good work during the period since 8/8/18, Corporals Cane, M.M., Coakley, M.M., Private Barclay, and Lce. Corp. Jacobs, M.M. and Sig. Noble also Gray W.G.
Collins and Sutton were killed in this operation. One section of No. 7 were over the river as a liaison section to the 3rd Brigade, and went over with them on the morning of the 23rd. They did good work killing and capturing several Huns and taking two M.G.s. Pte. Williams, M.M., of this party specially mentioned to B.H.Q.
From La Neuville, the company moved forward through Suzanne and Curlu, still on roads, and stayed three days at Curlu in an old Hun camp. Lt. Couper went to D Coy. 1 Platoon built a hall for Div. Pierrots.
On 4/9/18 the company was under orders to move at half an hour's notice, and on the afternoon of 5/9/18 moved out through Clery to an unknown destination. Capt. Cleland lent to "C" Coy for operations.
The battalion became portion of the advance guard following up the enemy withdrawal towards St. Quentin and went onto the jump off line on the same night. "B" company was in reserve to the advance guard.
At 11 a.m. on 6/9/18 the company was ordered into the line to fill a gap which had occurred between portions of D Coy astride the Cologne R.
The company found difficulty in crossing the canals and swamps and was finally disposed with two platoons North of the River and two on the South.