Soldiers' stories, 1914-1917 - Page 7

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[This story is on a form similar to the previous ones sent to Mr A.G. Stephens, Editor NSW Anzac Memorial]
Name and Rank Barr T.A.C. Coporal
Battalion 4th
Date when left Australia on service. 19th October 1914
Date when you came back to Australia. 16 Decr. 1915
Answer this question:
Which was your BEST DAY (24 hours) while you were away? and why? Which was your WORST DAY (24 hours) while you were away? and why? (Descriptive narratives of special experience wanted).
Best Day
Since arriving back in Sydney, I have frequently met people who evidently think that, when our boys leave Australia for the front, they can never experience many happy moments until they arrive back home again, now I would like to disabuse this impression which I know exists in many minds; certainly I must admit, that when one reads through the lists of Dead & Wounded, it must create a few misgivings, but I can assure you, there are happy moments.
Many a time do I wish that I could experience the happy hours which filled me with ecstacy when the hospital ship Letitia, on which I was a patient, touched Southampton wharf in the morning of July 17th 1915
Four years previously, I had left Glasgow to try my luck in Australia, and now I was back in

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