Aboriginal words and names, Upper Clarence River dialect, collected by Thomas George Hewitt, ca. 1909; with introduction, notes and index by Robert L. Dawson, 1936 - Page 48

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[Page 48]


– Notes on the letter sounds in dialects –

A peculiarity which strikes one in
Aboriginal dialects (so far as my knowledge
extends) is the entire absence of V, X, and Z
sounds while Q is infrequent.
In three dialects from which I have
compiled lists, viz those of the Richmond
River, the Lower and Upper Clarence, the
three first named letters do not occur at all
and Q very seldom. I have searched several
lists compiled by others from a great variety
of dialects but, so far, have not found V, X, or Z.
All Aboriginal dialets appear to be remarkable
for the extensive use of vowel sounds
especially o and double oo. 

                                                    R. L. D 

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