Aboriginal words and names, Upper Clarence River dialect, collected by Thomas George Hewitt, ca. 1909; with introduction, notes and index by Robert L. Dawson, 1936 - Page 42

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[Page 42]


— Miscellaneous Words —

Long tree in scrub Koom-bug-ga
Vine broke, man killed Gil-gar-row
Crevices in rocks Pul-gein
Burial Noo-koo-mah
A game or pastime N'gur-ran-nu
A stone Woor-row-in
Worn Oon-gool-chal·lee
Mystic stick Wur-rah-ween
     do " Wum-ma-ren
     do " Bun-jahn-ya
Carved bones Joon-do Wanda Boo-ro N'gun-da
      do " Wan-da Kelu-ka Coom-bo Coom-bo-lah
      do " N'ga-rar- Boo-gar
Scars Go-row
Charcoal Nig-geir (or "geen")
Eating too fast N'gam-bil
Sick Boom-boom
A rock (Nymboida) Koo-row
Junction U-rool-gur


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