Notebook about Groote Eylandt kept by Elizabeth A. Taylor, 1937-1939 - Page 30

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[Page 30]

pain has gone. When theie

whole body is full of aches &

pains, the bark is soaked in  

water & the natives bathe them-

selves all over - the bark is

also used for making string, it is

put in the sun, unil dry enough

then made into string, the tree is

used for spears.

Yoo-wa-roo  a climbing [??]

with big broad leaves.- a long

piece of vine is cut & tied on  

sores very tightly - for aches &

pains & for leprosy.

Mee-jup-una  a wild grape vine

The natives pound the root and  

soak in water for several hours

then the sores are bathed

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